Thimble Measures
Our thimble measures are stainless steel thimble bar measures for measuring everything from 25ml measures of spirit to 250ml glasses of wine. With the main capacities, covered these stainless steel thimble measures are a necessity for any bar who free pours to ensure their spirit dispensing is accurate. Thimble measures ensure that spirits are measured perfectly every time, so that you can be assured your spirit dispensing is legal. These are high quality stainless steel spirit measures, with CE markings certifying them for licensed bar usage. Often referred to as spirit measures, wine measures and stainless steel measures, whatever you wish to call them, here at Pattersons Bar Supplies we stock every capacity required. For accurate dispensing of spirits why not use these thimble emasures with one of our tapered pourers? This helps ensure the spirit or liqueur flows straight from the bottle to the thimble measure, stopping leakage and improving accuracy.