Jangro Micro Clean Bio Stain & Odour Remover is a biological stain and odour eradicator, ideal for use on carpets, upholstery, fabrics and flooring where soiling such as...

Jangro Micro Clean Stain & Odour Remover 1ltr

Jangro Micro Clean Bio Stain & Odour Remover is a biological stain and odour eradicator, ideal for use on carpets, upholstery, fabrics and flooring where soiling such as body fluids and spilt beverages has been absorbed into the fabric. This 1ltr Micro Clean is a simple-to-use biological cleaner which contains many different strains of specially selected microorganisms. These produce enzymes which degrade all types of organic soiling. Micro Clean is especially effective when used around urinals, walkways and areas contaminated with urine, vomit and body fluids. Jangro Micro Clean 1ltr is especially useful for treating long-term urine contamination. A popular choice with schools, healthcare and sports canters Jangro Micro Clean is also a good choice for any business who are looking for an effective eco friendly stain and odour eradicator. A little Jangro Micro Clean is all you need to also cure odours from sink outlets, baths, showers and kitchen waste units and prevent the re-growth of mould and moss on damp paths and in changing areas with poor ventilation.
Jangro Micro Clean 1ltr is an environmentally-friendly, low-impact cleaning products. If you are looking for a stain and odour remover manufactured and assessed for its impact on the environment, Jangro micro clean is a good ‘green’ cleaning chemical option. For customers requiring a larger solution to their stain and odour problems, Jangro Micro Clean also comes in a 5ltr container.
Here at Pattersons Cleaning Supplies we stock a comprehensive range of cleaning chemicals and cleaning supplies. With a full range of Jangro cleaning chemicals ready to be delivered next day including this Micro Clean 1ltr.
If your selected cleaning products & equipment are in stock and you order by 12pm Monday-Thursday we will deliver this within three days. Any cleaning supply order placed on Friday will be delivered on Monday and any cleaning products ordered between 2pm Friday and 2pm Monday will be with you on Tuesday. There are a few UK postcodes that we can’t deliver your cleaning supplies to next day, so please refer to our Delivery page for further details. Super-fast delivery from Cleaning Supplies UK.