Exact is a portable and refillable dosing system for any workplace where water connection is no option which can deliver the lowest possible cost-in-use. Exact dispenses the same dosage each time for your cleaners' bottle, buckets or scrubber driers. The lightweight bottle uses a measuring cap that consistently dispenses the same amount of concentrate and is easily refilled from the Exact cubitainer, allowing the best Cost in Use.
The Exact system has wide environmental benefits, providing reusable dosing bottles that will reduce packaging waste. In addition, Exact is five times more concentrated than standard concentrates giving you the benefit of reductions in both cost and storage. A large range of Diversey TASKI products can be used with Exact. The concentrate is automatically diluted, providing optimum cleaning capability and control.
Diversey Concentrates. Firstly select one of many dispensing systems from Quadro Select, J-Flex, Exact or Smart Dose. Then choose from 3 concentrated cleaning chemicals that fulfil all your daily cleaning needs, Sani 100, Sprint 200 and Jontec 300. For extra cleaning select from the heavy duty cleaning ranges: Sani Calc, Sprint Emerel, 4-in-1 and Jontect Forward. Then choose from the range extension to complete the soloution: Sani Cid, Sani Des, Sprint Glass, Good Sense Vert, Jontec Tensol and Degragerm. It’s that simple!
Diversey Proffessional Exact Dispensing System For Cleaning Chemicals
If you are interesting in our cleaning chemcialsdispensing systems such as this Diversey Exact dispenser, give our team of cleaning experts a call on 0117 934 1270 and we may be able to arrange a free on-site inspection to assess the right cleaning chemical dispenser for you. If not, our friendly team will be able to advice over the phone and answer all of our cleaning chemical related questions. Visit www.pattersons.co.uk to view the range of cleaning chemical dispensers today.