The popular household brand, Fairy, is best known for its Fairy Liquid washing up detergent frequently found in the domestic kitchen. But, Fairy are also known for the commercial cleaning chemicals also with Fairy Professional. Their collection of professional cleaning supplies including Fairy Professional Washing Up Liquid Original – a detergent designed for pre-soaking and washing professional restaurant tableware and kitchen equipment as well as a multitude of well-liked laundry and dishwasher cleaning supplies. Owned by the renowned P&G Professional, you can rely on Fairy Professional to provide only the highest quality cleaning chemicals for commercial spaces.

- Fairy Washing Up Liquid Antibacterial 5ltr Stock Code: PX-00022
- Fairy Original Hand Washing Up Liquid 900ml (6)Exl. VAT £28.09 Inc. VAT £33.71Stock Code: PX-02126
- Fairy Professional Washing Up Liquid 5ltr Stock Code: PX-02103